The idea behind
spring fever historically, comes from a physical ailment, to what we now describe
as mentally going a ‘up the wall’, from so much snow, cold, and just wanting
some nice warm spring weather. Historically, this was a saying for what used to
physically happen to people after eating lots of preserved, heavily salted
meats, among other goods, for the winter. After being dormant for so long on
this diet, a person’s blood was thought to be thick due to the high intake of
meat, and lack of fresh greens. Thus
when someone ate their first spring greens, they came down with ‘spring fever’,
a feverish state of shock, due to their body and liver not being able to
process the food.
Stinging Nettle Urtica diocia Findhorn, Scotland |
Next is Dandelion:
“Golden lads and
girls all must, as chimney sweepers, come to dust”
~William Shakespeare (1)
Being one
of the most loved and “esteemed plants of the herbalist” (2), especially by the famous Arabian herbalist Avincenna, and was
referred to as “blessed medicine” (3),
in the 18th Century in Europe .
Though a native to Greece ,
the Dandelion has always been used medicinally, and as food, throughout the
world, but more-so in Germany ,
China and England . Across the world, though,
it’s loved by foragers and herbalists alike, such as Rosemary Gladstar who is,
“convinced, [that dandelion] is one of the greatest herbs of all time. The entire
plant is restorative and rejuvenating”(4).
Besides it’s popular reputation by historical, and current-day herbalists
alike, there is no other herb in the United States that is so, “well known, so
easily recognized, so much hated, so systematically singled out for
extermination—and so little understood—as the dandelion”. Despite most people
in the U.S.
seeing the Dandelion as only a weed, it is, “ironically just those long,
tenacious roots which contain the major portion of its wealth in natural minerals
and alkaloids!”(5) so before you
spray your lawn, think twice about exterminating this restorative herb. (
Stinging Nettle: There are many
types of herbs, from relaxing and stimulating, to nerve soothing and pain
relieving. There are also nutritive or nutrient dense herbs, of which Stinging
Nettle is. Botanically known as Urtica
dioica (Brown,
133), of the Urticaceae family (Bremness, 224), whose name comes from the
latin urere, which literally
translated means “to burn” (Jones, 237). This burning, or ‘stinging’ sensation,
is said to be from the leave’s, “acrid fluid (formic acid) which burns the
human skin, causing small blisters” (Baircali Levy, 110). A nitrogen and
moist-soil loving perennial, it has seen some interesting folk beliefs. In Austria when burned, it was believed to keep you safe from
being struck by lightning; in France, carried with Yarrow, believed to “quell a
person’s fear” (Jones, 244). (Rest of Blog here: Burdock:
Is a superb puriefier of blood (Seymour , 10),
treats all blood-disorders, especially the chronic ones: gout, rheumatism,
arthritis and sciatica (Levy, 25). Raspberry Leaf: Rubus idaeus (European), Rubus strigosus (North American), Roseaceae family. Overall was utilized
by Gypsies for helping with pregnancy and childbirth. Also, is a general tonic,
nervine, and used treat lack of energy, anemia and paleness, which could be due
to lack of fresh greens (Levy, 130-131); high in vitamins A, B, C and E, calcium,
magnesium and phosphorous (Brown, 137).
Red Clover Brookville, PA |
Red Clover: Trifoium pretense, Leguminosae family. Considered by herbalists, as
being a God-given remedy, and thus appropriately called the “prize herb” for
its alkaline property. Especially excellent for: cleansing the blood, soothing
the nerves, promoting sleep and restoring fertility (Levy, 43). The Algonquin,
used for whooping cough; Cherokee-fevers and ‘bright’s disease’-kidney ailment.
Iroquouis took as a blood medicine,
decoction of flowers (Moerman,
488). Being nutrient rich, and containing calcium and protein, it is
very excellent and nourishing and purifying the blood, thus helping clear the
skin and treat other blood-ailments. Nourishes, tones, and cleanse over time,
often improving various metabolic functions: healing bones, nerve and muscles (Brown, 136).
“Yarrow is somewhat warm and dry and it has discreet
and subtle powers for wounds.
If a person has been wounded by a blow, let
the wound be washed with wine….
gently tie warm yarrow… over the wound. It will draw out the infection …and the wound will heal”~ Hildegard of Bingen
Yarrow, Achillea
millefolium, has an interesting history behind the name. It is thought to
originally from the Greek warrior Achilles using in during Homer’s Illiad. Achilles taught his warrior’s the medicinal
importance of this herb in healing wounds, though in several sources it was
suggested that the Centuaur Chiron originally taught him what he know of this
herb. The Nitinaht Native American tribe used yarrow as a “medicine for
everything” (Moerman, 40). Medicinally,
this bitter herb was: antiseptic, anti-catarrhal, excellent at treating
respiratory ailments (hay fever, colds, flus), tuberculosis and pneumonia. As
an aromatic and digestive bitter, yarrow helps the liver and gallbladder digest
whatever you just ate, especially it if is very fatty! Helps kidney and liver
problems, and treats sores, eczema, rashes, sunburn, burns (Moerman, 37-41) (Levy, 178-180) (Jones 2-11). (Rest of Blog here:
Intro to Allergies: An allergen, if identified and removed, usually can help lessen a person’s reaction. Say it is a food allergy, than you can just eliminate it from your diet. Though, if it is an environmental allergen, say pollen, dust or smog, those are much harder to identify, and control, let alone eliminate. Usually with having allergies, comes congestion (the blockage of sinus cavities’ with catarrh (mucus)). This is quite easy to treat with herbs, but not always appropriate to ‘dry’ it up, since mucus overproduction usually is removing ‘waste’ from your body, so usually it is advise to support, not block or stop it (Hoffman, 58-59). When the ‘allergy-season’ hits, you may also hear the commonly used phrase ‘hay fever’. This is when a person is specifically allergic to pollen from hay or grass, along with dust, mold and animal dander. Hay fever, being one of the many physical symptoms of an ‘allergic reaction’, is due to your body mistaking an innocent substance, say pollen, as a threat and attacks it, thus causing substances, including histamines, to be released. This is where inflammation, such as sinuses running and teary eyes comes from. Lung congestion can be from asthma, which can also be triggered by allergens. Allergies when paired with asthma can include similar symptoms, as hay fever: watery and itchy eyes, runny/stuff nose, general lung and sinus congestion (Keville, 139).
Hay fever, lung and sinus congestion can
be improved by taking immune system stimulating/boosting, and anti-histamine
herbs. Examples of the latter include: chamomile, peppermint, ginger, anise and
fever few (Keville, 137). With having a
lot of excess mucus (or catarrh), as one of many symptoms of allergies, anticatarrhal
herbs, goldenseal, chamomile, goldenrod
and boneset, ease the symptomatic discomfort that is often characterizing hay
fever, expectorants for wheezing and
pulmonary congestion, mullein; nettles help
easy body’s underlying sensitivity to allergens, (Hoffman, 68-69).
Besides the above, elderflowers and yarrow are excellent at
treating this congestion and sneezing; Echinacea and chamomile decrease
congestion and slow allergic reactions; garlic, onion and hot peppers, due to
their capsacin/spicy content, inhibits inflammation, thus desensitizing the
respiratory system from irritants. In a 1990 study, tablets of freeze dried
nettle successfully reduced hay fever symptoms (Keville, 138). Part 2 of this blog will be posted within the next 5-7 days!
Works Cited:
*Note if something isn't in the works cited the information is in an online blog*
Hildegard. Hildegard's
Healing Plants: [from Her Medieval Classic Physica]. Boston :
Beacon, 2001. 106-07. Print.
Bremness, Lesley.
Herbs. New York :
Dorling Kindersley, 2002. Print.
Brown, Kathleen,
and Jeanine Pollak. Herbal Teas: 101 Nourishing Blends for Daily Health and
Vitality. Pownal , VT : Storey, 1999. Print.
Hoffmann, David. Easy
Breathing: Natural Treatments for Asthma, Colds, Flu, Coughs, Allergies, Sinusitis.
Pownal , VT :
Storey, 2000. 68-69. Print.
Jones, Pamela. Just
Weeds: History, Myths, and Uses. New York : Prentice Hall,
1991. Print.
Keville, Kathi,
and Peter Korn. Herbs for Health and Healing. Emmaus , Penn. :
Rodale, 1996. Print.
Levy, Juliette de
Bairacli-Levy. Common Herbs for Natural
Health. Ash Tree Publishing, Woostock ,
New York . 1997. Print.
Moerman, Daniel
E. Native American Medicinal Plant: an Ethnobotanical Dictionary-the
medicinal uses of more than 3000 plants by 218 Native American tribes. Timber Press Inc, Portland ,
Oregon & London . 2009. Print.
Seymour, Miranda.
A Brief History of Thyme and Other Herbs. London : John Murray, 2002. Print.
Stewart, Amy. The
Drunken Botanist: The Plants That Create the World's Great Drinks. Chapel Hill , NC :
Algonquin of Chapel Hill , 2013. 129. Print.
Nice posts on herbs/allergies. Very in depth and informative. I have been viewing allergies from a Chinese medicine perspective lately and seeing it as having run down the kidneys/water element. A lot of these herbs are wonderful for their ability to open the lungs. I also like to add herbs that strengthen and nourish the kidneys and adrenals such as licorice and nettle seed. Finally I notice a number of people with allergies burning up their "yin" with caffeine, sugar, staying up too late. Anyways, thanks for your efforts and energy. very nice blog indeed.
ReplyDeleteHello Kate! thanks so much, I am very glad you found my allergy blog in depth and informational, always love it when I have cool comments from readers! hm...I don't remember alot about TCM, I know more about Ayurvedic, it draws me alot more for some reason compared to Chinese medicine. I have heard as much though, related to weak kidneys and allergies, that and major 'fight or flight' responses (which I have) is also part of it...from my local herbal teacher. adrenals too, if those are burnt out...than you have a whole other mess of problems to say the least.
DeleteI have heard nettle seed is great yeah, I love to pick fresh nettles, dry, tincture and I also boil them fresh, than blend them like you would basil for pesto...and add that to dishes... its pretty good.
that makes sense, burning up yin due to caffeine, sugar...those aren't my problem...the staying up late yeah haaa. thanks so much! glad you thought the energy was put into it well :) if you like you can always subscribe to my posts, and or get email updates!
thanks, Jennifer
I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
ReplyDeleteliver already present. I started on antiviral medications which
reduced the viral load initially. After a couple of years the virus
became resistant. I started on HEPATITIS B Herbal treatment from
ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC ( in March, 2020. Their
treatment totally reversed the virus. I did another blood test after
the 6 months long treatment and tested negative to the virus. Amazing
treatment! This treatment is a breakthrough for all HBV carriers.